This past week I've tried to broaden my horizons a little. Considering the extreme change in my environment, there is a lot of new things to try. I went up to the small farmers' market that they have on campus every morning and bought some interesting fruits that I've never tried before. First I bought a bag of guineps which are pretty much like grapes covered in a thin lime skin and they also contain a large seed. The things taste similar to grapes, but they have a horrible fruit to seed ratio, so they're hardly worth the effort or money. I also tried a guava for the first time. Although I had heard of them before, I had no idea what they looked like. They are shaped similarly to pomegranates, but they're about the size of a golf ball and have a yellow citrus type skin. They taste pretty good, but they have tons of really hard seeds in them which are impossible to avoid and difficult to deal with while trying to chew. The picture I included is of the guineps on the stem they came on and also an enormous 6 lb pineapple I bought. The pineapple was per pound priced, so it still cost a small fortune even though it grew up around here. I also had to carve it with a paring knife since it was all we had.
Also classmate of mine set up a group to go scuba diving the week after midterms, and I figure I've got to try it at least once while I'm down here. So I'll be going down with them tonight to check out the program. I'm not that fond of snorkeling in Wisconsin lakes so this should be interesting. At least I'll have more than 6 feet of visibility though.
Also speaking of Pineapples, it won a landslide victory in the poll, but I suspect there may have been some jerrymandering. Check out the new one.