Sorry for the long hiatus since my last post. It's been a combination of the hectic windup to finals and a little homesickness that's given me little ambition to put together a blog post. But now I need a break from biochem (mnemonics are frying my brain,) so I'll catch you all up on the happenings down here. Although Grenadian Thanksgiving was about a month ago, most of the American students attended a few private little home brewed Thanksgiving dinners with fellow classmates and the various academic clubs. Mine was an exclusive invite as I dined with my girlfriend Kristen, and 2 other girls who are a couple of her vet student friends. We had a fairly comprehensive Thanksgiving dinner menu prepared. Fried honey glazed ham was the only substitute we had to make since there are no ovens in the dorms for turkey. Other than that, we had mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberries, yams, pasta salad, deviled eggs, and even a stove top pumpkin pie. Other than that, all weekend has been spent studying with a small break on Friday at the beach. Now is when my final study preparations are being made. I find this to be the scariest and most discouraging point, in going over all the material it seems entirely overwhelming in the sense that I know I can never master it all. In a few days this will inevitably proceed into the phase where I'm sick of studying and just want to get the tests over with and go home, but my stomach will be in knots until then.

Since I've been studying biochem for the last 6 hours you are all treated to this fun factoid which will be especially appreciated by all my readers in pharmaceuticals. Cytochrome P450 is a liver enzyme that is responsible for the processing of many toxins and drugs that pass through the system. This enzyme is inhibited by grapefruit juice, thus if you drink grapefruit juice while taking medication you inhibit your livers ability to get the drug out of your system and it'll start building up when you take more doses and may reach a toxic level. So that's the explanation of why you might see this on prescription bottles and you ever wondered why grapefruit juice was a no-no. Sorry for that, I'm sick of studying and needed to vent.