Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Super-high-tech jet fighters

I've kept you all waiting for 3 weeks because I really wanted to have some juicy tidbits to share. First of all, over about the last week the U.S. Air Force has been on the island to keep the area secure for Obama's visit to Trinidad for the America's Conference. So we had a few F-15 fighters that made the airport very near my apartment into their temporary base. They'd take off in pairs, and due to their proximity we could always tell when this was because they were very loud. I got to see them a few times from my balcony, once even during the night, so that was interesting. Here's a video of 2 jets picking up 2 more of their buddies at the airport. The path that the guy is shooting from is the one I walk to class every day. You can even see one of the local cows in the video. Secondly, Kristen's parents were in town for the Easter holiday. It was the first time I got to meet them, so It was a nice opportunity. We also had a lot more fun than usual because unlike most of the time when we're sitting around with fellow students whom have been pushed into the red by student loans, they actually had money. So being a proper mooch, I got to eat at a few restaurants, and it was delicious. Plus, we also got to do some touristy things like head to Grand Etang National Park. It's a rain forest on the top of one of the volcanic peaks on the island. We got to trek down to a waterfall while the guide told us about some of the various spice, fruit, and flowering trees. There was a possibility to see monkeys, but he said they're usually not keen about hanging around people. The trip was one of the better times I've had on the island, and the included picture (pending) is of us swimming at the falls. Other than that, not too much more to talk about before I come home. I have an immunology final on Monday, and after that I only have 2 classes left to take finals for during my last week here. See you all after I do wonderfully on them (knocks on wood.)