Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Back again...

Sorry for the pause after Oktoberfest, I've been waiting for some pictures to post and I don't have a camera, so I just have to get pictures from other people. I had a really nice time at Oktoberfest, and it was much bigger than I ever expected. The whole Oktoberfest field is largely empty for most of the year, but they begin preparing for Oktoberfest about 2 months in advance. There are huge tents for each the 6 main Munich breweries which sell the food and beer. I believe there are also tents for Champagne and wine too. The tents are also surrounded by hundreds of other food vendors, carnival games, and park rides. We went on a roller coaster while we were there, and then headed into the Spaten tent. It's one of the brands that is most commonly seen exported to the States. I think we spent about 7 hours in the tent, where I had a couple Maß of beer and shared a pretzel. Here is where most of the pictures are from.

This first picture is of the Statue Bavaria, the goddess of the area I guess. She's actually very massive. This was our meeting point for the day.

I believe the entire La Crosse Oktoberfest could easily fit in one of these tents. After that we walked around the grounds at night to see it all lit up. It was very cool looking, but I'm sorry I don't have any pictures. This is also when I ate a half meter bratwurst. We headed back to the apartments at about 10:30, so it wasn't a totally crazy night. Even though the train workers were on strike the next day, my 2 trains were unaffected, so I made it home safe.

This second picture is of the friend of my host brother's girlfriend. She was the one who lived in Munich and was the only one sporting a Dirndl, plus the classic "stein" action makes for a great picture.

The final picture to the right kind of gives the scope of the tent, this is about 30% of the tent that we could get into the shot with a bunch of drinking people and the food windows in the back. I'll add more pictures later but this post is getting a little crowded. Plus, it's my host brother's birthday today, so we'll be eating cake soon. Hope everyone is fine over there, and I'll talk to you all soon.

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