Monday, December 15, 2008

Last night in Grenada

Well the first term has finally come to its conclusion. I made it! And they're going to let me come back again for a second term, so I've got that going for me. Over the last few days I've spent a few hours at the beach, and I've also had a handful of errands to finish before I head home. It's been sad to see all my friends leave, one after another, until only I remain. I've been pretty bored the last 2 days, so I had to come up with my own devices to pass the time. The included picture is of a box of some of my laundry and bathroom stuff that I'm leaving here in storage. Making that sign took about a half an hour, so it was a successful waste of time. The abrupt transition from the previous 2 weeks of studying non-stop for finals to having absolutely nothing to do really caught me off guard. But now I get to look forward to a day and a half of traveling and a mini visit with Maria and Kamau, yippy! On my way back from storage, Mama one of the campus dogs followed me back to spend a little time with me before I have to leave in the morning. The forecast says I'm to expect 10 degree weather when I get home. Mom, the car better be warm when you get to the airport. I'll see most of you in the coming weeks. It'll be nice being back.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

1 week left.

1 week from now I'll probably be lounging around drinking a cold beer or living it up at a post finals party. My last final ends around 2 pm on Friday Dec. 12. I don't leave for home until Tuesday the 16th so I have 3 days to relax on the beach. In retrospect I would have liked to come home right away on Saturday, but I went for the cheaper flight. I'll have to work on my tan during this time so I can make all of you jealous when I get back. I included a pic of where I will be unwinding to make you jealous preemptively since I know most of you have snow. Although I'm looking forward to getting home, I'm not looking forward to flying. Apparently it's hard to get from Grenada to La Crosse, WI, so I have a lot of layovers both home and back. I get the opportunity to get acquainted with the Miami airport for about 5 hours. I also get to spend the night in Chicago. Now all I have to do is make it through these god forsaken tests. If you read my last post, I've made it to the stage where I'm not stressing about the tests anymore. I just want to get them over with. I won't be stressed again until I wake up the morning of each of the tests. I want some Culver's now.