Monday, December 15, 2008

Last night in Grenada

Well the first term has finally come to its conclusion. I made it! And they're going to let me come back again for a second term, so I've got that going for me. Over the last few days I've spent a few hours at the beach, and I've also had a handful of errands to finish before I head home. It's been sad to see all my friends leave, one after another, until only I remain. I've been pretty bored the last 2 days, so I had to come up with my own devices to pass the time. The included picture is of a box of some of my laundry and bathroom stuff that I'm leaving here in storage. Making that sign took about a half an hour, so it was a successful waste of time. The abrupt transition from the previous 2 weeks of studying non-stop for finals to having absolutely nothing to do really caught me off guard. But now I get to look forward to a day and a half of traveling and a mini visit with Maria and Kamau, yippy! On my way back from storage, Mama one of the campus dogs followed me back to spend a little time with me before I have to leave in the morning. The forecast says I'm to expect 10 degree weather when I get home. Mom, the car better be warm when you get to the airport. I'll see most of you in the coming weeks. It'll be nice being back.

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