Thursday, February 19, 2009

Hey, sorry long time no see. It's not that I've really been avoiding posting or anything, it's just nothing really interesting has happened since my last post. But, I'll fill you in on the little tidbits that did happen. I just took another final for my last 1 credit class of the term. It was titled Community and Preventative Medicine, I had a similar class in undergrad, and I've actually both times taking them. They kind of put my role in the health care system into perspective, and they emphasize doing the greatest good with current technologies and funding. I actually got a 102% in the class. I aced the final and went to the 1 point extra credit counseling seminar that they had. It's my first 100% on a test maybe ever, well except for maybe middle school, but nevertheless I was pretty excited. Other than that not much has happened. I stayed in and cooked dinner for Kristen on Valentine's Day, I set the table all pretty and had folded napkins and everything, but it was my one chance to act cheesy all year and still feel justified. Other than that I have 3 weeks until the start of midterms, maybe I'll do at least something moderately interesting to fill all you in on in the meantime. Until then, I'll catch you later.

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